<p>I said my last chance would be my last but I guess I lied. I updated my resume and I narrowed my list a lot...</p>
<p>Graduating: 2008
Ethnicity: White
High School: Sends some grads to top schools (yale, mit, some to duke, georgetown, usc, BC, etc.)
Ecomomic Status: Middle-Class/Will Apply for fin. Aid</p>
<p>GPA: 3.37UW, 3.595W
Class Rank: Top 25%
SAT: 1710/2400 (1110/1600) 590CR 520M 600W
(Retaking in oct. to hopefully go up 90-100 pts)</p>
<p>Freshman: All college classes
Soph: 2 Honors, 3 college, 1 elective
Junior: 2 AP, 2 Honors, 1 college, 1 elective
Senior: 1 AP, 2 Honors, 3 academic electives (Phsyc, Business, etc)</p>
<p>-Varsity Hockey (9 10 11 12, Senior Leader<em>, 4X letterman, academic achievement award)
-Hockey Intramural (10 11 12) Team Captain</em>
-Summer Hockey Camp (Summer 06)</p>
<p>-Stock & Investments Club (10 11 12) President senior year*
Placed in top 10% in 06 and top 18% in 07 (in the state)
-Community Awareness Club (11 12) Group Leader/Tri-President*
-National Spanish Honor Society (11 12) Secretary senior year*
-Tutoring in Spanish (11, 12)
-Student council (9 10 11 12) <em>Senior Class President</em>
-Other random comm. service opportunities</p>
<p>-Job at Law Office (2 years)
-Lawyer Shadowing (Summer 07)
-Internship at Marketing company (Summer 06)
-Have own web/graphic design business (4 years)
-Job bussing tables at a restaraunt (1 year)</p>
Loyola Marymount University (EA)
U San Diego (EA)
Umass Amherst (EA, instate)</p>