Service Selection

<p>Good luck the the Class of 2009 as they select their service communities today. Moms/Dads and Mids let us know!</p>

<p>One firstie in my company was almost forced to go subs (his 4th choice) but he declined the nuke interview, took his chances, and got his first choice of aviation. We had 14 Marine selectees (16 chose) and 1 SEAL out of about 36. Shaving their heads/eyebrows was the highlight of it (for us at least).</p>

<p>Rah, I am in Jaybee’s company and that night was intense. The seal did not go quietly and blood was shed. Freaking motivating…good times.</p>

<p>it would be very cool to see youtube video of this!</p>

<p>My NROTC S went EOD</p>

<p>Probably a good idea to take those pictures down. Based on past events similar to this one, mids have lost christmas break due to restriction.</p>