Services for students with disabilities

<p>Does anyone know how Madison does with students requiring accommodations?</p>

<p>S is headed there as a freshman this fall. Recently diagnosed Generalized Anxiety Disorder, with a possible <em>mild</em> Asperger's Syndrome diagnosis coming. He's got a tough major....Neurobiology...and I am concerned. Not so much academically, but certainly organization-wise, and possibly socially. </p>

<p>Does anyone have experience with the McBurney Center? We've registered with them, and will be sending in the paperwork. I'm hoping he can get someone to coach him on organizational stuff, maybe extended time on projects, maybe a single room since social stuff is exhausting for him. </p>


<p>Never mind.</p>

<p>Sorry, many of us know the center exists but have no knowledge of how good it is et al. Wish we could have been more helpful.</p>

<p>I would not worry about a single room too much as he can ignore his roommate and social stuff. Be sure to clue in the housefellow (the UW version of an RA/resident assistant).</p>