<p>Hey all, im currently a freshmen at SFSU and really wanted to transfer to UCI my junior year for the Business program down there. I currently have a 3.33 right now. i was wondering do i need to finish all the pre-req for the business program before i transfer there? because from what it looks like, i wont be able to finish Calculus 2. but i will finish econ 1-2, acct 1-2 eng 1-2, critical thinking, and QR. What kind of GPA will i be needing to transfer there? And when i apply for UCI will they look at my Soph Fall grades before they make their decision? What kind of paperwork is needed? an Application of course, letter of rec?, personal statement?</p>
<p>If your a freshman why not save some money and come to City as you will have a lot better chance to transfer to UCI.</p>