<p>I'm in a complicated situation, so any advice is greatly appreciated :)</p>
<p>I want to transfer to UCI in the fall of 2013, CCC TAG program is NOT an option at this point.
I'm applying as an economics major. All prerequisites are completes except calculus I and II which I plan to take this fall and next spring if that is possible. I have a 3.5 GPA, one C- in a statistics class for marketing major, my previous major, not applicable for econ major. </p>
<p>I have a lot of volunteer experience, including teaching english in abroad, and extra carricular activites while maintaining a full time job. my HS gpa was a 2.8, I am curious as to if this is important for transfer applicants. </p>
<p>I understand the difficulties of the CSU UC transfer, I was planning on going to USF this fall, but deferred my admissions due to financial reasons. I see that this transfer is a long shot, which is why I'm looking for any pointers that may increase my chances of being admitted. </p>
<p>This is my only option, other that graduating from SFSU, or USF being $150,000 in debt. </p>
<p>I am really hoping I can be admitted into a UC such as UCI or UCSB, I don't think UCLA or Berkeley are anywhere in reach with my current situation.</p>
<p>Any comments will be very helpful. Thanks!</p>