Shameless promotion

<p>For those of you searching for a summer program, definately check out California State Summer School of the Arts if you have any passion/talent for visual art, animation, music, video, dance, or creative writing. I attended CSSSA the summer after my sophomore year as a creative writing major, and it was AMAZING. The program is a lot more intense than other summer art academies out there, like Idyllwild, but the intensity and professionalism is what makes it so great. Four weeks of pursuing your passion with 500 or so bright, creative, zany, talented (and yes, talent does matter as only 1/3 of the applicants are selected) people our age--what more can you ask for? Furthermore, if you are a CA resident, the cost is about 1/2 of other college summer programs cost, as the rest is paid by the state and private sponsers.</p>

<p>Anyway, I loved it enough to shamelessy promote it before you all :-)</p>

<p>go to <a href=""&gt;;/a> for more info. the app deadline is feb. 28.</p>

<p>hey! i was wondering if you knew anything about the quality of the theater and voice programs? thanks! </p>

<p>here’s my post: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Haha…shameless promotion indeed! I’m actually applying for Innerspark’s Creative Writing program this year–and I’m really glad to hear that you felt that the program was really intense in a good way!! I was beginning to think the Creative Writing program would not be as good as the others—since so much focus seems to have been placed on the other programs (visual arts, theatre…), especially in the materials I’ve seen and the comments, reviews I’ve read. But then again, it does seem natural for writing to take sort of an invisible back-seat…</p>

<p>straying from topic—in conclusion thanks=)</p>

<p>And oh yes, one question:</p>

<p>Did you labor over your writing assignments a lot?? And what part of it do you think was most important in helping you get in?? Obviously this is a weird question, since that’s the basis of admission, and since there are so many intangibles surrounding admission that we never find out about anyways, but I suppose I’m in a frenzy of over-thinking my own work right now. Your answer would be really appreciated=)</p>

<p>Ok–so I suppose realizing that the first post was posted years ago was an after-thought. Anyways–still extremely excited about applying to Innerspark’s Creative Writing program=)</p>