California Art School: CSSSA/Innerspark

<p>Hey i'm looking to do a theater program over the summer and i found innerspark
[url=<a href=""&gt;]CSSSA[/url&lt;/a&gt;]
It's really inexpensive, but i was wondering if it is good. It doesn't seem like anyone is turned away even though there is a video audition. </p>

<p>Also, any comments as to whether I should do the voice music program versus the theater program with the musical theater elective??</p>

<p>And it gives you 3 university credits apparently and some certificate so I wondering, does it look good for college?
Any advice and information would be greatly appreciated!!</p>

<p>It actually is competitive. My son attended in Theatre last summer and found it both enriching and rewarding.
It is not summer camp, or feel good-keep-you busy-in-the-summer prgram. This is an intensive, focused, serious program designed for students who want to be art professionals.
…and yes, it looks VERY good on college apps:)</p>