Sharing my 2020 daughter's nursing admission results - total cost included for 12 schools

I received SO much help from this forum when researching nursing programs for my 2020 daughter. Although she ended up going in a different direction, I wanted to share her results in case they help anyone. Cost was a huge consideration for us, and I learned so much from this group, and I’m hoping that what I’ve learned can help future applicants. I couldn’t use the NPC because I didn’t know my ex’s total #'s, but our FAFSA EFC was just under 5k. Guessing with her dad’s income it probably doubled. I’m going to share total cost, not just merit, because that’s the info I found most helpful. I’m not including books, extras, travel, etc. in total cost. Just tuition, room and board, and fees. She definitely applied to too many target schools, but I was so freaked out about how hard it was to get into nursing programs that I pushed her to do that.

SAT - 1570
Weighted GPA - 3.8 for Early Action schools; 3.92 for Regular Decision schools
Strong nursing EC’s, not a lot of leadership
We are in Mass

Early Action
UMaine - Accepted into Honor’s College, about 30k total cost per year
ULowell - Accepted into Honor’s College, about 9k total cost per year, plus one-time 4k award to study abroad
UMass Amherst - Accepted into Honor’s College, about 15k total cost per year (interviewed with nursing dept)
UVM - Accepted into Honor’s College, about 23k total cost per year
Miami Ohio - Accepted into Honor’s College. Received 25k year off in merit, but never got actual price because their FA package wasn’t ready before May 1. Not sure what total cost would have been, probably not much better as she is OOS (interviewed with nursing dept)
UNH - Deferred, then accepted, about 22k total cost per year
Northeastern - Accepted (14k merit), about 8k total cost per year

Boston College - Accepted, final price ended up being about 22k/year, but started out at 32k /year. They kept sending emails lowering the price without her every reaching out (she had already decided on another school)
Oxford at Emory - Accepted, about 10k/year total price
Emory - WL (didn’t write LOCI) (interviewed with nursing dept)
UVA - WL (didn’t write LOCI) (This was such a disappointment. Wish she had applied EA as her GPA didn’t improve that much)
Penn - Denied (interviewed with nursing dept)

Anyway, I wish all the future nursing applicants the best!

Thank you for your info. Pretty clear that getting EFC met, even for a top student is difficult. I do suspect that applying to preprofessional programs like nursing also made it more of a challenge to get full need met. Even getting into SUNY Buffalo’s program, I know, is highly competitive.

I know a student who focused on private school programs in the NYC area. A lot of Catholic schools. Not as tip top as your DD, but an excellent student with not as much need. She didn’t get full need met anywhere but her twin did with similar resume but as a Liberal Arts Major. This nursing student will be going to some hospital based community college program rather than to a full service university setting.

So glad your D had so many affordable options to choose from. Thanks for circling back!!!

Thank you for sharing. It is very helpful, my D will be applying for nursing programs this fall.