<p>Is there a certain word minimum or maximum for the SHC essays?</p>
<p>I’ve heard people say two pages is good. Just don’t write too later or too much. Write what you can and worry about the length later.</p>
<p>I made mine almost exactly two pages each last year and got in…quality over quantity as they say =)</p>
<p>Mine varied from a little over a page to 3 pages. Quality is more important here as dumbledore said.</p>
<p>double spaced right?</p>
<p>yup mine were all double spaced</p>
<p>2 pages per essay? really? that seems long to me</p>
<p>long? when double spaced? I had a hard time shrinking it down to roughly two…</p>
<p>haha, i guess i’m just lazy then.</p>
<p>lol nah maybe i just ramble…=)</p>
<p>My first one is only 4 paragraphs so it’s a little over a page but my second and third are 5 paragraphs so they’re about 2 pages. Should I try to add a paragraph to the first one to make it closer in length to the other two?</p>
<p>Nah, they do not really care about length, as long as it answers the essay.</p>
<p>Also, make sure all you potential SHC’ers have your apps in by the end of Nov as it is the priority date to be considered with the bulk of the applicant pool.</p>
<p>Wow, after hearing what you all are saying about the length, I’m kinda scared now. Lol, does it HAVE to be 2 pages+? I’m really stressin’…</p>