SHC Recommendations

<p>One of my teachers told me he submitted his recommendation for my SHC app yesterday, but I have not yet received an email from Penn State confirming that it has been received (like the directions say we will). How do I know if it has truly been submitted? Should I just wait around for this mysterious email? Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks(:</p>

<p>all of my teachers and counselor sent their recs in and i never got an email for any of them. so i called the shc admissions office and asked to confirm that they were in and they said that the system isn’t sending emails for some reason</p>

<p>Aahh, okay. Thank you SO much.</p>

<p>hey, yea i received emails after they sent them in last year. If it is an comp error than that explains it. You can also check to see they got it by looking under the teacher Letters of rec section of your app. If it was submitted then it will say so.</p>

<p>I guess everyone’s been having issues with the online system this year. My math teacher told me today that he had to fill it out three times before it would stop freezing and let him submit it. And it’s still not showing up as being submitted on my app. This shouldn’t be so frustrating! These are the times I wish we still did some things on paper.</p>