<p>for one of my teachers, i put on the SHC application that she would be submitting online. then i just remembered that 2 months ago she sent in her recommendation about me to PSU by mail. how do i change her status from submitting online to submitting by paper? i can't find how to change it?
<p>bump just in case someone can help</p>
<p>Try calling them tomorrow.</p>
<p>the SHC requires teacher recs to be submitted online or they won’t consider your app because they have a specific form and questions that are emailed to the teacher when you enter their info.
the regular admissions office doesn’t use recs and would have just gotten rid of it if your teach sent it</p>
now i understand</p>
<p>so if my rec’s are sent in through the mail they won’t be considered?</p>
<p>i’m pretty sure they won’t be</p>
a different teacher got my recent email and wrote an online recommendation over the last hour and i was lucky enough to be able to submit my application to SHC by November 30!</p>