
<p>I got a mailing from the university that I will be going to in the fall containing some brochure with sheets, bedding, etc. The university claimed that these sheets were "the only ones garaunteed to fit." The sheets were described as XL, and I have a feeling that the XL sheets that I could buy at Bed Bath & Beyond would be just as good, if not better. Any comments would be useful. Thanks!</p>

<p>Any XL sheets will fit if that's the size the beds at your school are. Is the mailing from Campus Linens? It doesn't actually come from the school, just a company under contract from the school or something. If you buy XL sheets at any store you should be just fine</p>

<p>Yeah, sheets from anywhere that are XL are fine. They may even be a little big, if they have "deep pockets" or something.</p>

<p>Thanks! I will just stick with regular XL sheets. I had a pair from camp last year, and I didn't want them to go to waste.</p>

<p>That catalog seems to go out from every school. It's sort of like LL Bean or something, but you can find just as good of sheets at your local Macy's.</p>

<p>I recommend Tommy Hilfilger sheets for their comfort and durability--I wash my sheets weekly and they always hold up well. They typically will go on sale sometime in June for all the college kids.</p>