i just need to rant. i really dont understand the process. here is my DS story/stats and maybe someone can help me understand where we went wrong…
DS attends a small private school which focuses on classical education. we moved him there in Elem school as the public schools were a joke and not able to give him any sort of challenge and we didnt want to move him up a grade or two which was the recommendation of his teachers/principal.
he has never received any class grade less than a 97, but generally his grades are 99/100 even at the AP level. we thought maybe he was just at an easy school or something so we enrolled him in online public school AP classes as well and he earned similar grades.
he took SAT and scored 1540 twice (superscore 1560)
AP superscore was 36 (34 and 35 non superscore)
he will be the validictorian of his class
4 year varsity athlete (basketball)
national merit scholar (finalist and winner)
president of NHS, and 3 other academic clubs. won several academic challenges and debates. national awards for Latin and Quiz bowl. lots of service hours. wants to join Navy and serve after college. He is a gifted writer so i fully expect that his essays were good as were his recommendations
he applied to these schools CoE: Michigan, PennState, NCSU, UIUC, GaTech; Duke, Cornell, MIT. Stanford, USNA, Harvard, RPI,
he was rejected by 7 of 12. i realize 5 accepts=good, but why is he not able to get accepted at even Michigan?
what more could he have done to get into H, C, D, S, MIT, UM???
did we do something wrong on his path? was it sending him to a small private school? is it really about legacy, demographics, and money?
he will be fine at the school he chooses but i guess im looking for an answer as to what part of the puzzle was missing for him.