<p>Are there any shooting (pistol or rifle) ranges in Ithaca that we can go to in the summer WITHOUT being a member of the respective club? Does one need to be a US citizen to fire guns at the said range?</p>
<p><3 you mariams</p>
<p>[url=<a href="http://lansingrodandgun.tripod.com/homepagelrg/id2.html]Here’s[/url">http://lansingrodandgun.tripod.com/homepagelrg/id2.html]Here’s[/url</a>] a list of area clubs and the hours they’re open for public shooting.</p>
<p>mariam i need to meet you</p>
<p>There are ranges in the vicinity that you can shoot at and not be a member. Most will require you to pay a few dollars for use. Most ranges also have student memberships which are dirt cheap. I know a range in the area which charges 100 dollars for an adult membership, but only 5 dollars a year for students.</p>
<p>You won’t need a US ID to shoot at most, but you might need one to become a member due to liability.</p>