Short Answer Word Limit

Andover’s short answer writing prompts say to write less than 150 words. I’ve written 174 for one but I don’t really want to make it shorter… Do I have to trim it or will it be okay? Thanks!

You have to trim it. They have the guidelines for a reason and so it’s bad form to go over the limit when you were given clear instruction not to.

Start by getting rid of adjectives and adverbs :wink:

Andover has asked you to write 150 words or less for a reason. They truly want to see how well you can say everything that you need to in a few number of words if you went over, all it’s telling the admissions staff is that you are incapable of expressing your thoughts well and concisely.

Also, Andover has, I believe, about 3,000 applicants each year and in order to get through reading every one of them, they need to be concise.

You should defiantly stay within the word limit. I had this problem a few times too.

Most will not let you add more ( they limit you by characters).