<p>What's the difference between the regular Parents' forum and Parents' Cafe?
Am guessing the former involves college-related matters, and the Cafe is about any/everything else(?)
Also, if you post in the regular thread, you get an email when there's been a response. Not so for the cafe'? Guess if I'd posted this there I would have found out... just curious</p>
<p>You're right about content.</p>
<p>You can change your settings if you don't like getting emails. (I wouldn't want any of those emails clogging things up.) Go to MyControl Panel and fiddle around in there.</p>
<p>I don't know about emails from the Cafe...</p>
<p>I think getting emails depends on how you set up your options. I don't get emails from any forum.</p>
<p>Thanks, both!</p>
<p>Parents' forum is for general college matters and parenting issues, from what I can tell.</p>
<p>Both cafes seem to be off-topic, with the parents' cafe for parents and the college confidential cafe for students. But, there is much crossing over on both sides.</p>