SHOT at Cornell ?

<p>high school is ranked top 50 in the nation, and cornell seems to love my school (Great Neck South, Long Island) lol last year 22 kids from my school went to cornell
GPA: 91 (3.5 ?)
SATI: 740 Math 720 Reading, i know they dont count it but 790 on writing
SATII: bio - 660, math2 - 700, ushistory - december</p>

6 AP's:
Junior: AP US History, AP English 11
Senior: AP Economics, AP Psychology, AP Calculus AB, AP Physics B
Sophomore: English Honors, Bio Honors, Math B2 Honors
Junior: Precalc Honors</p>

<p>essays: solid, worked with a college advisor for over a month on it and turned out to be real good</p>

<p>i always hear how colleges like improvement, and my counselor said thats the one of the best things going for me because freshman year i took all regular classes, sophomore year i moved up to honors but didnt do that well, and at the end of 10th grade my GPA was a 89.. but junior year i got straight A's and my average raised to a 91</p>

- V Football (Co-Captain)
- V Indoor/Outdoor Track (Captain)
- numerous sports camps (track, football)
- lot of christian work: church altar server since 4th grade, youth group advisor since 9th, mission (aid) trip to Bolivia, soup kitchens
- hospital volunteer</p>

- waiter (summer of 2008 - present)
- secretary (worked for my dad ever since 9th)</p>

- certificate of commendation: its this award in my school for people who are active and what not
- all-conference, all-division, all-county honors in track
- church scholarship for active participation in church events</p>

<p>haha thats basically my hs life in a nutshell, would you say i have a decent shot at cornell?</p>

<p>oh yeah and im Korean lol</p>

would you say i have a decent shot at georgetown


<p>Hope you edited your college essays better than this post :-P</p>

<p>hahaha oops.. you got me there</p>

<p>Random question: do you like Hyun Young?</p>

<p>my Man i dont even know who that is</p>

<p>No leadership roles?

<p>maybe you missed the part where i put captain for 3 varsity teams.. oh and i was the leader of the altar serving group at church</p>

<p>You definitely have a shot at Cornell, or is it Georgetown? Either way, admissions is a crap shoot. Good Luck. Sell yourself.</p>

<p>you're from Great Neck? cool I'm from Manhasset...we're neighbors.</p>

<p>Anyway you obviously have a good shot at Cornell or G'town - but what school/major are you applying to? Some are more selective than others.</p>

<p>i was thinking about applied economics and management as a major if i go to Cornell.. how selective is that? </p>

<p>and i was also confused as to why that major is under the college of agriculture and life sciences.. but how selective is it ?</p>

<p>AEM is the most selective major under the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. You should re-take your SAT IIs, all of them.</p>

<p>well bio if i took it in december id probably score a 200, math i might retake though</p>

<p>is CAS economics also very selective? and what do you know about transfers from CAS to AEM ?</p>

<p>Cornell is very aware of the potential "back-door" people. I don't recommend you to do that. I don't know much about CAS economics. Presumably it is.</p>

<p>i know what you mean by that but its not like im applying to an easy undergrad major to get into cornell and then switch.. either way my major is still economics, its just whether or not i can transfer into the higher caliber program once at cornell</p>

<p>if you would like to do AEM but feel like you dont stand a chance the best choice for you i think is to apply for ILR where you have enough electives to unofficially minor in aem and still take plenty of other courses in the university...</p>

<p>CAS is very limited...where you must have 100/120 credits in CAS and if you want to take many CALS courses this will be tough...</p>

<p>ILR you only take like 60-80 ILR credits and the rest are general electives available to you at any college/school at cornell...</p>

<p>Hyun Young is that Korean singer person... basically the only Korean culture fact that I know, since you said you're Korean</p>

<p>Applying for CAS Economics and transferring to AEM doesn't sound like a good plan: CAS is very selective in and of itself, and AEM probably isn't thrilled with internal transfer applicants unless they're stellar.</p>

<p>So I agree with Resurgam: ILR could be a great choice, why aren't more people interested in ILR? Isn't it a really good program?</p>

<p>haha yeah but i was never into that kpop or whatever it is.. but anyway can you tell me a little more about ILR? because im interested in a career in finance/economics, and i could be wrong but i thought careers out of ILR were like human resources, labor management, consulting, etc..</p>

<p>im looking a little more into CAS economics though and it seems to be a good program</p>

<p>Hey sorry I can't really answer those questions, I'm applying to HumEc.
I would say human resources is more up the alley of HumEc</p>

<p>A lot of ILR grads go on to careers in finance/economics. I agree with Chandler that if you're interested in management/consulting HumEc's PAM might be a better option, but ILR is good for that too. If you want to know more about ILR, go to the source Cornell</a> University ILR School pretty much every question you have could be answered there. </p>

<p>it sounds like you want to apply to CAS's Econ because it's slightly less selective and then transfer into CALS's AEM. Phrase it however you like, but if that's your intention, then you're using one College as a backdoor to another...I'm not saying it's not possible to do though.</p>

<p>CAS economics vs. ILR with minor in AEM...</p>

<p>sounds like two interesting options, can anyone give me some more details about the ILR w/ minor in AEM option? how much would it benefit me to take an AEM minor?</p>

<p>and stargazer, yeah i realize thats the way it sounds but those arent my full intentions i was just curious to see if that was a choice if i got in</p>