<p>Ethnicity ; EAstErn EuropEAn
gpA ; 3.71 (unweightEd)/(strAitE A's sophmorE +junior yEAr)
SAt's (took it oncE)
Writing; 710</p>
<p>PreviosE A.P's tAkEn (ExAm grAdE); A.P chem-4 A.P world history -5 A.P us history-5</p>
<p>Senior yEAr coursEs
A.P stAt.
A.P lAtin;virgil
A.P cAlc Ab
A.P physics b
Wriring SeminAr honors
Religion SeminAr honors
sAt 2's
bio ;molecular-700
chEmistry ;760
us History ; 800
Math II;710( took it sick so mAby should rEtAkE it )</p>
<p>ExtrA curriculArs
Senior Editor of sports on nEwspAper
Editor of yEArbook
cAptAin of mAth tEAm
spEEch And dEbAtE (nEvEr did Anything though just wAs in thE picturE And rostEr)
NationAl honor sociEty PresidEnt
HavE done somE tutoring And community sErvicE
PresidEnt of thE AlbAninAn club</p>
Not Alot hAvEn't donE much
lAtin 2 prose cum lAudE
latin 3 poEtry summa cum lAudE</p>
<p>cAtchE--wAs brought to AmericA from A wAr torn nAtion At 2 yEArs old.</p>
<p>Also i'm Applying to --Umich. Boston collEgE, u chicAgo ,PomonA, nyu, And GoErgEtown; cAn i gEt my shot At thEm too??</p>