Should I accept this offer?

<p>Hello, I'm currently a senior at a top 25 university majoring in econ and financial mathematics. </p>

<p>I got an offer to Ford as financial analyst in the low 50s, is this a good salary and should i accept it? I know Ford's not doing so well right now so thats one of my concerns.</p>

<p>Also, because I wasn't sure if i wanted to work right away, I only sent out about 15 resumes early october and i feel that i should have sent out more for more options.</p>

<p>But since the fall campus recruitment is basically over I'm wondering if there will be a winter one next January? I've heard that 2nd semester have less companies and are generally harder to find. My GPA isn't really that high(3.4-3.5) and only 1 internship during junior year summer as research assisstant at a medium-sized financial company, so with these factors I'm not 100% confident that I can find a better Job 2nd semester.</p>

<p>Also, if i do find a one that I'd like to go to more 2nd semester can i still reject the ford offer after accepting it? I really don't know how that works legally.</p>

<p>Finally, I do plan on getting an MBA or computational finance degree after 2-3 years of working experience.</p>

<p>Your comments will be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>take it your job will be fine security wise..the company is on the up and up according to cramer and that kind of money is good enough to go with and then hit up the MBA program</p>

<p>Where would you be working? Low 50's in New York doesn't take you far, but you can live like a king for low 50's in places like Phoenix, Arizona or Detroit.</p>

Where would you be working? Low 50's in New York doesn't take you far, but you can live like a king for low 50's in places like Phoenix, Arizona or Detroit.


<p>True, but I'd rather live in New York instead of Detroit despite the cost of living difference. I don't mean to specify New York since I'm biased, but I'd rather live anywhere but Detroit. Supposedly it's a complete dump.</p>

<p>IMHO: Working in an industry that has trememdous challenges, has opportunities for anyone who wants to take advantage of them.</p>

<p>Its in Dearborn MI, which is a suburb of Detriot. I've heard the difference between detriot and dearborn interms of quality and security is like night and day. Its pretty safe there and is a very good time to buy housing there right now.</p>

<p>rent for another year and then buy and you will be happy you waited...its not too bad up there im just to the south of there and have been up that way. nice set up in your favor</p>