Should I apply to an UCs?

I am going to be a senior and starting my applications in a few months. However, I am still debating applying to any UCs. I have visited 4 of them and only really liked one (I don’t really want to go to that on anyways). I don’t really like the environment of them, I feel that they are too competitive and I don’t do well in that type of environment. And to be honest, I don’t even think I can get into any of them besides like 2. But I think I’m going to get the fee waiver, so I was wondering if doing the application was even worth it even if it was free.

If you get a fee waiver, then you can apply to 4 UC’s, so there is no harm in applying but if your are not willing to attend any of the UC’s you apply to, why waste your time??

Which UC’s did you visit? What is your intended major? What is your UC capped weighted GPA and test scores?

Large public universities are not for every student, so if you give CC posters an idea of what you are looking for in a school, your financial situation (require need-based and/or merit aid), then we can give you some suggestions of schools to consider.

I visited UCLA, UCI, UCSD, and UCR. I plan to major in political science but some of the UCs have other programs I am interested in.

My UC GPA is a 3.3 and my last SAT was 1020, but I plan on re-taking it to get a much higher score. I am really hoping on need and merit-based aid so I hope a higher SAT score will get me that.

I definitely prefer a smaller school environment but I am not completely opposed to a bigger school.

UC’s only give need-based aid and if you are a CA resident and qualify for Federal aid along with Cal grants, then the UC’s can be generous. Is your FASFA EFC $0?

I am going to tell you straight out that based on your GPA and test scores, UC Merced might be the only possible UC option and if you are not willing to attend, then you will need to apply to schools where want to attend but you will be limited by your finances.

Merit based aid is dependent upon High GPA and test scores, so I would focus on getting good need-based aid.

Your local Cal State which is commutable would be an option. Again if you qualify for Federal aid and the Cal Grant, then you could attend a Cal state with minimal costs.

Another option is going to your local community college where your tuition/books could be covered and then either TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee) or get your ADT/AS-T to transfer to a UC or Cal State.

Each school’s website should have a Net Price Calculator (NPC) where you can plug in your financial information and it will give you an estimate of your costs.

All the private schools that I am aware of that will meet your need are too competitive.

Hopefully other CC posters can chime in with some options.

Best of luck.

Your GPA and SAT are going to make all the UCs a stretch. Since you mention smaller schools - take a lookg at Sonoma, Humboldt and Monterrey - Sac (though not small) has a great poli sci program with lots of exposure to the capitol. If you can bump your SAT 100 pts or so, Chico is also worth a look.

Good luck

I have been looking at a lot of private schools because my regular high school weighted GPA is a lot higher (I do IB so I have a lot of extra weight) and all the ones I am looking at look at weighted GPA. So I am really hoping for some aid there.

But if not I have been looking at a few CSUs. I have been looking at Northridge and Fullerton (both have programs I am interested in) but since I am in Northern California, the requirement is higher. At this point, I need a higher SAT score to bump up my eligibility index. I did some calculation and I would need like 1300 to have a decent chance at either school. I didn’t study at all for my first SAT so I figured if I actually did this summer (I plan to take it in August), I could be able to bump it up much higher but this still isn’t a guarantee. Do you think I would still even have a chance with that SAT score at either school?

If you can bump up your SAT, then you could have a chance. For CSUF, you need a minimum eligibility index of 3800 and CSUN you need a minimum 3700 since you are out of the local service area. Much depends upon your intended major and how you stack up to the rest of the in-coming Freshman in your major.

Ok thank you so much for your advice