Should I be worried about one last final grade to show up?

<p>buzymom3: Do not be so concerned about the grades. They’ll come. Just to let you know that when your student graduates, professors do not need to post final grades for a couple of weeks. This allows a student t complete a final thesis, something my son is doing right now. He’s been communicating with his professor about this, so all’s good.</p>

<p>Freshmen CBH grades went up sometime between 11 and midnight. And apparently they received an email saying they all survived to be promoted to year 2!</p>

<p>Buzymom: did the grade post? My sons last grade posted after midnight ny time. I know how frustrating it is. I hope it posted for your daughter</p>

<p>I went to bed at 10pm and checked at 4am when the dogs wanted to get me out of my nice warm bed. The last one was there!! WooHoo…</p>

<p>D got straight A’s and would be on Presidential but for 2 dreaded A-'s ;( But hey I am so proud of her. </p>

<p>AND she got an email just now telling her that she was accepted into the Athletic Training program…HUGE accomplishment and honor. 125 kids started the process the beginning of freshman year. 60 interviewed in March for one of 20 slots. She has worked toward this since her freshman year in HS. ROLL TIDE my friends. Life is good. Thanks so much for sharing the up’s and down’s. Margarita’s on me!!</p>

<p>I can’t wait to officially join the Bama parents CC group as soon as my DD gets her acceptance letter this fall! You all are great fun! When she accepts, margaritas are on me!!</p>

<p>Buzymom, congratulations to your daughter! That is wonderful news.</p>

<p>Congrats to your daughter. I love hearing happy ending stories. Have a wonderful summer!</p>

<p>Congrats to your D, busymom.</p>

<p>Buzymom, three cheers for buzydaughter! So glad all worked out to with the grade!</p>

<p>Congrats! What a relief! :)</p>

<p>I hate those darn A-!!!</p>

<p>Wooooohooooo! Congrats, BuzyMom!</p>

<p>LOL, y’all.Tell your kids to do what my son does: Take at least one super-easy class that awards A-pluses. Then you can counterbalance the A-minuses.</p>

<p>DS got A+, A-, A, A, and A this semester. I told him, “Next year let’s try to ix-nay the A-minus.” He called me a Tiger Mom. Ouch!!!</p>

<p>Seriously–whether our kids get As, A-minuses, Bs, whatever…they are doing great. ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>^^That would work great for the normal child! My D gets so super focused on making As in the tough classes, that she lets the easy one fall into the minus category!! Oh well, super proud of her anyway! RT!</p>