Should I be worried about one last final grade to show up?

<p>OK D has only one grade that is still waiting to be post for finals. The deadline for posting grades is midnight tonight per the UA website.</p>

<p>Should I be worried that this final grade is still not showing up? Her getting admitted into her program of study is determined by her grades (60%). If for some reason the grade does not post…she is really out of the running.</p>

<p>I cannot email instructor as D is in Ecuador and has no access to email/text etc.</p>

<p>What to do…what to do??</p>

<p>I’d have an adult beverage and relax for now. :)</p>

<p>7 hours to go. Son’s final grade was just posted a few minutes ago.</p>

<p>Can you email for your D? The email doesn’t have to be from a Crimson acct. With your D’s permission, you can “write” the email for her and sign her name.</p>

<p>My son still has 3 to go.</p>

<p>^^^Have an adult beverage as well. :)</p>

<p>Shots of NyQuil for all - I’m buying!</p>

<p>My D would be really upset w/ me if I emailed a professor. But I am really getting nervous here. I know that if she was here she would probably be emailing him by now. Ughhh I’m gonna need a bigger shot glass class20112mom!<br>
I am going to wait til 8pm…then I may have to send a very short nicely worded email just asking if there is a glitch. Would that be acceptable?</p>

<p>i think you all just need to relax. no reason you really need to know grades this minute, is there?</p>

<p>i’ll have an adult beverage … but won’t be worrying a bit about grades. :)</p>

<p>I’m not worried about grades, either. Just wanted busymom to know she’s not alone.</p>

<p>Thanks Mom…I would not normally give a rat’s behind about the grades! But if it is missing she is OUT of the running to get into her chosen major. Highly competitive and if the class requirement is not met, she is out no questions asked and very honestly if she is out…she is back in Chicago in the Fall Trust me, I don’t helicopter…well not much anyway ;)</p>

<p>If this is a class needed to get into a program, wouldn’t there be others in the same situation?</p>

<p>that sounds like a pretty good reason, then. stalk away!</p>

<p>I am in full support, and a full glass of Malbac.</p>

<p>Grade on!!!</p>

<p>Not lubed, though.</p>

<p>Rats, it’s not even Happy Hour yet in Honolulu. Nevertheless…</p>

<p>S’s final grade posted, so glasses all 'round here.</p>

<p>Not only did we miss the cheap margaritas in T-town, we forgot the lube!!</p>

<p>Malanai, you can be honorary Chicagoan tonight. I will add some bedazzle to an alumni shirt and send it your way.</p>

<p>^^^Awesome. How extraORDinary of you. Mahalo. :)</p>

<p>I’ve given up…I have a cocktail in hand and am leaving it up to the ‘grade gods’. Figure that even if I emailed the professor they might not check their email before tomorrow. I have to trust the system. Nothing at UA has ever let us down, and I don’t believe that that will happen now. </p>

<p>So thank you all for your kind offers of cocktails and commiseration…I love this community! I promise that sometime between now and D’s graduation in 2016 I will buy you all a cocktail…a massive Margarita that Class2012mom has her eye on for $3.50. lol</p>

<p>I am going to go to bed soon and will keep my fingers crossed that sometime between now and midnight he enters grades. Aaaaand I will probably wake up at 1am to check…lol</p>

<p>Night night…</p>