Should I bother sending my SAT scores too?

<p>Hey everyone, I already applied to Virginia Tech RD for engineering and am fairly confident in being accepted. As of now I have only sent my ACT scores (C: 35, E: 35, M: 34, R:35, S: 34) but am wondering if I should also send my SAT (2110) since I want to be competitive for scholarships. I know my composite ACT is far better than my SAT, but am curious since I got a 790 on SAT math (only a 650 on reading). Is the difference (790 vs 34) big enough to give me any advantage? Will the 650 reading take anything away from my 35 English? Thank you for any advice! </p>

<p>My son also did much better on the ACT than SAT, but he sent both to all schools, just in case. The technical schools DO focus more on Math scores, so that said, with a near perfect math score, I would definately send the SAT scores. </p>

<p>My advice is to send in everything you have! Especially with scores like that (35s on ACT and a 2110 on SAT ■■■) even if you sent in your worst scores you’d still be above average at Tech ahaha. This may not be true so don’t quote me on it, but I hear it’s good to send in everything you have, and just let them see it all. They won’t penalize you or anything for that difference in English scores. If anything they’ll see that you improved between the time you took one and the other (assuming you got the 650 SAT before you got the 35 ACT haha, otherwise I don’t know.).</p>

<p>Good luck on getting those scholarships! Don’t worry about getting in, with scores like that you’re pretty much guaranteed in.</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore here and I’m jelly of your scores.</p>