I did TERRIBLE on the ACT:( Advice?

<p>I got my scores back today, and now I am in tears because of how bad I did, I only got a 24!! E:24 M:31, CR:18 S:23 W:8.... I can't stop crying I was hoping for at least a 28 because of my PLAN scores... and my dad said I have to take the SAT and I can't redo the ACT... but I did TERRIBLE ON the PSAT (150). I just REALLY need some advice.... I feel sick right now.. VT is my dream school and this score depresses me.. Thanks..</p>

<p>Take the SAT and try to prepare using old test and study guides. Have a back-up plan because no matter how great your stats may be, there are no guarantees when it comes to admissions. Lasstly, hang in there, it will all work out and you will land somewhere great, VT or otherwise.</p>

<p>@booboo96 I hear VT only looks at Math and English scores… if that’s the case, do you think I have a chance at universal studies???</p>

<p>If it comes down to it, just go to a community college for a year and then transfer. They do not look at test scores if you are a CC transfer.</p>

<p>@hokie757 Assuming they only look at English and math scores, do you think I have a chance (24E 31M)? Also, do you have any tips for improving?</p>

<p>Well, you never know. However, the English is well below their 50% range and US is still a reach. Keep in mind a lot of people wanting Engineering put US as their second choice, so that isa big part of your competition. You can view the stats for each major in the attached link, You may want to get an ACT study guide. I really liked one called “The Real ACT” guide. It is a big red book. I thought I slightly better than 50/50 change at VT, but was wait-listed after being deferred ED. (you can search on my name and see my stats) I am very glad I have other options now. Again, not trying to discourage you from trying. Good luck.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.ir.vt.edu/work_we_do/demo_enroll/admission/studentAdmission.html”>http://www.ir.vt.edu/work_we_do/demo_enroll/admission/studentAdmission.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>This was my first ACT, and idk, do you think I should retake it??? How can I improve my scores?</p>

<p>Yes, you should retake ACT and then take the SAT. You never know if you will score better on one or the other.
There are a lot of study books, practice tests, etc…
Check the SAT, ACT prep forum for more tips.</p>

<p>I did a practice SAT test today and here were my scores. 600 CR 690 M 600 W with little to no prep. The questions I missed were because of careless mistakes, and I didn’t feel the time restraint like the ACT. Are these scores better than my ACT??? If not, I have until the June SAT to prep!!! I’m probably going to prep no matter what, so what scores should I aim for and how can I achieve that??? </p>

<p>Luckily, Virginia Tech takes many things into consideration besides test scores, because my son was in the same boat. He only scored a 24 on the ACT too and didn’t have much better luck on the SAT - despite taking the ACT three times and the SAT twice. For some reason, he has always has trouble with these tests. Never has trouble with actual classwork!</p>

<p>The good news is - he WAS accepted! He applied for COE but was admitted under his second choice major, Meteorology. Besides being a weather fanatic, many of the classes required first year under this major will transfer over to COE so he can still transfer to COE if he does well in those classes and fulfills the other requirements for transfer.</p>

<p>How is your GPA, etc.? I think what helped my son was his GPA and class rank. He has a 4.35 GPA and is ranked 9th out of 409 in his class. All AP and advanced classes, extra-curriculars, lots of community service, first generation student. I am sure his test scores are part of the reason he ended up with his second choice major (COE is extremely competitive) - although his test scores did not keep him from being admitted as an Engineering major to Clemson, WVU, UT, UK, JMU and ODU. The important thing for him was that he got IN. Now that he has his foot in the door, he has options and can do what he needs to do to achieve his goals. </p>

<p>Looks like you have better luck score-wise with the SAT. Go ahead and take it - and even take the ACT again. Can’t hurt. Also, Tech uses your best scores across multiple tests so taking the tests multiple times should help! </p>

<p>Bottom line is test scores do matter, but they are definitely not a deal breaker! Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks everybody!! I guess I’ll be taking the SAT in June. Does anybody have an idea of what scores I should aim for/ would be reasonable to hit within 2 months??? Are my scores based off of the practice SAT reasonably close to what admissions are looking for? Thanks!</p>

<p>Look at VT’s admission stats information on their website. Shoot for the top 25% range.</p>

<p>Thank you! I will!! My official ACT Math score is already in the top 25th percentile for Virginia Tech (That’s the only score I am contempt with), and I am pretty sure I can score in the 700s in the math if I slow down a bit (I tend to rush and finish the section with plenty of time to spare), so I don’t have to worry about math!! As for English/CR, I can bump it up some. Does anybody have any tips for bumping up the critical reading SAT 50-100 points?? I would like to aim for a 650 on that, which would give me a score I would be extremely satisfied with. Thanks!!</p>