Should I bother to apply?

<p>I'm about to send in my rd application to yale (it's taken me a while because of suppliments) but after looking at the early decision thread, i'm wondering, should I even bother?
if anyone wants to comment, here are my stats:
gpa(weighted): 4.1
rank: 20/250
a.p: gov-5 english-5 about to take calc, microeco., english lit and ap euro (my school offers a limmited number of ap)
sat: 700, 710, 700
*am taking the subject sat's in january
extra curriculars:
national award winning dance team
piano--very high level, straight A's in a conservatroy prep program
band-french horn
drama club
volunteer at nursing home playing concerts
started purse making business
work as cashier at k-mart (ugh, but i need the money)</p>

<p>my essay i would say is good-my ap english teacher gave me a 97% on it and she is a really tough grader
my suppliment is good too--its about how my best friend and i are complete opposites but force each other to get along
my recomendation letter are excelent, my lit. teacher wrote about how i come up with incites about literature that she hasn't even though of, my gov teacher wrote that i know more about politics than most adults
my gc letter should be good, he loves me</p>

<p>my sticking point, my mom got her masters degree in music from yale, so i'm technically a legacy--but i don't think that'll matter much. I'm feeling at this point, there almost no way i'd get in. . .i can just hope for amherst i guess</p>

<p>It looks to me like you already have the two essays done. So the rest of the supplement shouldn’t take that much longer.
And if you’ve noticed from the early action threads, higher scores doesn’t mean a person will get in over someone with lower scores. So it is hard to judge yourself against the other people on CC anyway.
If you don’t send in your application, you will never know what would’ve happened. I’m sure you will be happy wherever you end up, but come april 1, you don’t want to wish that you had applied to yale.
If you send in your application, the worst that happens is a rejection letter and you won’t go to yale (which is no worse than if you don’t send your application in at all). But you also may get accepted.
At this point, since you are done with the application anyway, i say you might as well send it in and see what happens
(I’m really bad with chances so i’m not even going to try. so sorry if that was really what you wanted in this thread, but i just thought i would tell you to apply)
Good luck!</p>

<p>no, what you said was what I needed-- last night was just some last minute jitters. Checking the ED board was a baaaaaaad idea. thanks tho. sent everything in:)</p>

<p>I’m glad you applied. If you like a school…apply to it, you should always bother to do so. The worst they can do is tell you no.</p>