<p>Would Texas A&M Accept me?
Im a senior and im ready to submit my application to Texas A&M but before i would like if anyone is currently there or has expericed about this matter, if you could tell me; i would be able to be admitted or not.?</p>
<p>Desired Universities..
1. Texas A&M
2. University Of Texas At Austin</p>
<p>Courses Taken:
Wolrd HIstory. Honors
Biology. Honors
Spanish. Honors
U.S Goverment. Honors
Economics. Honors
English I and English IV Honors.
Pre calculus
Algebra I & II
IPC- another science credit..
And ive been in The GIS academy .. "Geographical Informations Systems" for 4 Years. The academy courses are all considered Honors classes because its a academy.</p>
<p>I rank 11% in my graduating class sucks i was like 2 students behind from being Top 10%
My Sat score is a total of 1200
My act score is 21
My GPa in a unweighted is 3.2</p>
<p>would these scores be sufficient to get me into my dream university??</p>
<p>Any help would be great!</p>
<p>Plz...., be honest.!