Should I consider taking Dual Enrollment Microbiology & Biochemistry if I will take IB Biology HL?

I was wondering if I should take Dual Enrollment Microbiology & Biochemistry if I will take IB Biology HL. For reference, I am a rising sophomore who aspires to do pre-med in order to become a doctor. I was wondering if Dual Enrollment Microbiology and Biochemistry are even necessary to take because IB Biology HL is so in-depth (I also plan on taking Chemistry HL or SL). What are your thoughts? Do you feel like it is necessary?

Just an opinion!

Do not overdo your course load.

It is most important that the foundation you are now building is very solid, i.e., well comprehended on the basics which may not be repeated in the more advanced courses. IB is well understood and respected by universities. “Dual enrollment” courses may vary widely between universities. Stick with IB. Leave the University work for your selected university. A strong performance in IB will serve your application process well.

I used to jog every noontime with faculty members from a STEM university. The opportunity to build your solid foundation is now. Do not be carried away with acquiring your university education before you get there. Your secondary school foundation is critical. The professors at your selected university/college would like to be able to teach their part.

Do not get lost in the race.

Excellent advice from @retiredfarmer. You will have plenty of time in college to take the Medical school requirements so getting a good “foundation” in all of the general subjects in HS is important. Colleges do not expect you specialize as a HS student and the IB program is rigorous enough.

Hi, I was thinking about taking Dual Enrollment Human Anatomy & Physiology in the summer after 10th grade (I am currently a rising sophomore, about to enter 10th grade). In IBDP, I was thinking about taking IB Biology HL. Is it necessary to take Dual Enrollment Human Anatomy & Physiology if taking IB Biology HL, since it is so in-depth and is two years worth of information? Please share your thoughts!

If you have a specific interest in Human Anatomy and Physiology, then go ahead and take it. Just remember some Medical schools will not accept Medical school required courses taken at a Community college and any DE/College courses you have taken will be on your permanent college record which will have to disclosed when applying to Graduate/Medical school etc… Also make sure you can get A’s in these classes.

Another issue to consider is that if you decide to retake the course in college, Medical schools will take the average grades of these courses and do not like you repeat any course content where you have a passing grade.

If your HS offers a regular level Anatomy/Physio class, take that as a good foundation for your college course.

Do not try to specialize while you are in HS. Take all the course requirements needed to graduate HS and to get into college. College is the time where you can then specialize.