Should I drop all my classes and decline pell grant?

<p>I recently received the full pell grant for the 14-15 school year (around 5,800 for fall and spring combined). When I saw that I was receiving the full amount I was surprised so looked over my fafsa application and saw that I did not include the amount of money in my savings account. Im sure I wouldnt have received the full amount if I had. Ive already enrolled in my classes and the grant is covering them all. Should I drop all my classes and decline the awards? I dont think the grant has officially been used yet since the classes dont start until 8/20. Im not sure if any of the information I filled out on my fafsa will trigger a verification process or not. I deffinitely dont want to take any risks even though it was an accident.</p>

<p>How much is in your savings account? Maybe you will still get much of the PELL.</p>

<p>Was that the amount in your savings account on the day you filed FAFSA? It is a snapshot of your assets on that day, so if you’ve earned a lot over the summer, it shouldn’t be added.</p>

<p>Don’t cancel anything. Go to the FA officer and tell them what happened. They can advise.</p>

<p>I should have said, how much WAS in your savings account on the day you filed the FAFSA. Like @twoinanddone said - (call or) go to the financial aid office to discuss the situation.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. The amount thats currently in there is the same as the day I filled out the FAFSA. It is an amount that is well above what I stated of FAFSA. Would I be held accountable if its subject for verification even though it was a unintentional error?</p>

<p>They won’t apply any penalty to you but will adjust your award to take it into account.</p>