Should I drop AP physics C and take a more advanced Calculus class?

<p>I'm a senior in high school and plan on majoring in biology/molecular biology/biochemistry/chemistry .. something like that.... and then go to med school to become a doctor .. Anyway, I'm getting destroyed by calculus based physics right now, but I just find out i won't be required to take it in college</p>

<p>I'm taking AB calculus right now which is basically 1 semester of college 1st year calc spread out into a full year.. Since I won't have to take calc. based physics (I've already taken alg. based physics), but i WILL have to take calculus, would it be smart to drop calc. based physics and change my calculus class to BC instead of AB? (BC moves twice as fast which basically means at a college pace)</p>

<p>Really? Can you not derive and integrate equations? It’s simple…</p>

<p>That wouldn’t be a bad idea. To develop good physical intuition, which would be useful for a chem major, it’s necessary that you have a good understanding of math. Mechanics is really so much easier and more intuitive if you take it after calculus. Electromagnetism is much easier to grasp if you have had vector calculus. You can do well in Physics C without having this background, but you may not be able to truly understand physics.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses! any more opinions?</p>

<p>@davidthefat, if that’s all i had to know how to do in that class I would have a 100% lol…</p>




<p>oh wow, that sounds exactly like me. like EXACTLY. the exact majors and everything. i can’t make up my mind either. </p>

<p>anyway, yeah i think that would be a good idea. If you are struggling with Physics C, i think you should just drop it before it hurts your grades/transcript.</p>