should i drop spanish?

<p>as you guys know i am also a transfer student. I wanted to take chinese as my foreign language credit for last semester, but my cc doesn't have Chinese. Instead, i took spanish this semester. Then a week ago, i found out that NC state has a nondegree Seeking program, which i can apply and take chinese classes there. Do you guys think i should just drop spanish and wait to take chinese over the summer? I asked my advisor that question, she was like, " If you think you can get a good grade in that class, then don't drop it," But i'm still not sure. P.s i want to minor in chinese later on.</p>

<p>how many credits are you taking including your spanish class?</p>

<p>How badly do you hate your Spanish class?</p>

<p>Look, I’m all for taking classes that you like because usually you will be more engaged, will learn more, and will earn better grades. If you hate a class that is not necessary for your future plans, drop it and take something else that you like better.</p>

<p>That said, Spanish is the unofficial second language of the US. Chances are that you will find it useful on the job or in your neighborhood over the course of the next 20 years. If your class is well-taught, and you are enjoying it, stick it out until the end of the year.</p>

<p>And, if you NEED foreign language credits in order to transfer to a different college/university, will the summer Chinese classes count? Will you be able to hold a summer job while taking the classes? If they are intensive (4 hours of class and 4 hours of homework each day), you may be too exhausted to work very many hours.</p>

<p>I don’t hate spanish, but i don’t enjoy listening to it either. I’m chinese , but i can’t read or write chinese. So i rather learn my own language. It’s just thinking of dropping a class is such a waste of time. For this semester, i will probably have around 14. So, if i dropped spanish that will leaves me with only 10 credit. This is my first semester of taking so call " real classes" i had some precourses last semester and these new courses are becoming somewhat challenging.</p>