Should I email my professor?

This is my first time here so forgive me if I’m in the completely wrong place. I’m a post bacc at a new university who has a degree in biology and a degree in psychology. I’m just finishing up some classes so I can apply to PA programs who require classes I don’t have yet (like organic 2). I took my first test today in my first class at this university fully prepared to do well. I noticed there was no clock or anything so I assumed he would make some time announcement. The questions weren’t hard but it’s organic so I was checking and rechecking, skipping a few or not so sure of them and marking them to be reworked. I was determined to make an A and feeling confident when my professor said we had one minute left with no other time warning! I was mortified. I had no way of knowing the time and just started marking furiously in on the bubble sheets the one I had missed. The test had few questions (bulkier questions with fewer overall) so I’m sure it ruined my score! I was so upset and caught off guard. Two other students asked him the same thing on their way out (for a ten minute warning).

I’m wondering if I should email him and just explain what happened. The problem is that it’s not like I would or could ask for anything like extra credit so it doesn’t really matter if I email him. I more or less just don’t want him to think I don’t understand the class or am not trying. I take my studies extremely seriously. I’ve never had this happen before and I literally cried realizing that I worked so hard and made sure I did everything well just to get a C probably because of this. Should I drop the class depending on my grade? I’m just so upset and confused.

Can’t help it–so you did everything but wear a watch?

Yeah and I don’t usually wear a watch I mean, I would have if I knew

You can email your prof to mention your difficulties, but I wouldn’t expect anything to come of it other than the prof might give more reminders next time (including reminders to wear watches!).

I think I’d be happy with that, don’t want to bug him though. All my other testings have had strict policies (nothing that beeps, no bracelets, hats or anything they think you could cheat on all stuff outside the door type deal) so I’m def not used to wearing a watch lol