Should I even Apply to Chicago?

<p>School: University of Chicago
Major: Economics</p>

<p>Gender: Female
State: New Jersey
Race: Asian
Competitive Public School ~330 ppl in my grade.
Rank: Doesn't rank, but top 10%</p>

<p>Income Bracket: $80,000 - $90,000</p>

<p>UWGPA: 3.8-ish
WGPA: 4.02-ish (bad sophomore year due to family problem. Soph: 3.8 W Junior: 4.11 W) Upward Trend.</p>

<p>SAT I:
Cr: 660 (I always get raped by the long passage and double passages...)
M: 730
W: 730 (11 Essay)
Total: 2120 (one sitting)</p>

<p>SAT II: 700 Chemistry
750 Math II (I'm retaking it this Sat. because I want a increase my chances)
790 Chinese w/ Listening
620 USH (wasn't feeling well that day, I got a 5 on the APUSH test, which I took a week later)</p>

<p>ACT: Just took them this Oct..don't know the score. </p>

<p>AP: APUSH -5
AP Chem -4
AP Stat -3 (self-studied)
AP Micro -3 (self-studied)
AP Macro-3 (self-studied)</p>

<p>AP Micro and Macro were back to back on the same was hell.</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule- AP Physics C. AP Calc BC. AP Art History</p>

<p>EC: (Three Main Focus: Business; Photography; Volunteer)</p>

Future Business Leaders of America (10th – 12th grade) (Vice President-12th)
International Affairs Club (9th – 12th grade)</p>

Photography Club (10th – 12th grade) (President -11th & 12th)
Yearbook (9th – 12th grade) (Senior Editor - 11th & 12th)</p>

Big Brothers Big Sisters (10th – 12th grade)
Honors & Service Society (11th- 12th grade)
Other Community Service Projects (9th – 12th)
Total Hours: ~200</p>

Tennis – Junior Varsity (9th – 12th)</p>

Community Service (Varsity Letter)
Academic Achievement Award (9th grade; United States Achievement Academy)
FBLA-PBL Southern Region Competitive Events – 4th Honor in Economics
Cultural Ambassador (9th grade – LEAP Academy Exchange Program; 1 of 3 girls selected in the grade)
AP Scholar with Distinction</p>

Health Insurance Broker's office (July – August ’07) Approximately 40 hours per week.
Hollister Co. (Impact Team Member; August ’08 –present) Approximately 8-13 hours per week.</p>

<p>I work mainly to support the family.</p>

<p>Internships & College Programs:
Same Health Insurance Broker's office (50 hours of internship for Honors Career Internship class (graduation requirement; July 2007)</p>

<p>Economics for Leaders (Foundation for Teaching Economics) One-week Summer Program at Cornell University (July 6th – July 13th, 2008) This was a semi-prestigious program because people all over the country applied for it (especially for the Cornell one because it's Ivy League school). About 48 people were accepted to the whole program. Total cost for the program was $200.00. </p>

<p>Should I even apply?</p>

<p>Your stats are good enough, but I can’t tell from your post whether Chicago would be a good fit. Other than its strength in Econ, why do you want to apply to UChicago?</p>

<p>your stats are better than mine, and i’m applying. so, if you know you’d like to go to chicago, then why wouldn’t you at least give yourself the chance of being accepted.</p>

<p>I would apply with your individual numbers, especially if your New Jersey high school is a heavy hitter in its own right (places in the vicinity of Edison, Princeton, and Morristown send plenty of kids). The U of C does not have an undue boarding school fetish like Brown or Georgetown, but it does have a knowledgeable staff that takes into account the caliber of one’s secondary education, and that includes good public ones. For example, AP Scholar with Distinction as a junior is a good indication you are ramping up well for the College’s core. Elite schools in general are also constantly looking for economic diversity outside of underrepresented minorities, as a lot of the Asians on non-West coast campuses come from families of high educational attainment, even if not wealth. All in all, how you package yourself will matter a lot.</p>

<p>Id say if your applying for economics…your chances are very slim.
Remember econ. is top in Chicago…</p>

<p>Unless one tells them, Chicago doesn’t know in what one wants to major. Admission decisions are not based on competition among individual majors.</p>

<p>I know wis3ly put (self-studied) to explain why he/she got those scores,
but do people actually put things like (self-studied) in the common app
or the U of chicago updates?
Just curious.</p>

<p>This is no requirement to even submit AP scores unless one feels it will enhance one’s case. Self-study may be an important indicator to a commitment to learning or it could simply mean one is trying to boost an application, Chicago needs to know it was the former (if it was), so some explanation is in order.</p>

<p>So my ap scores weren’t that good, but I submitted them anyway.
Would these hurt my chances?</p>