<p>Hey guys, I really messed up. I left my state college a few years ago, and now I want to try to transfer to community college (or try to get re-admitted to my state college), in hopes of getting my GPA up and getting into University at Buffalo. I also want to change my major from Pre-Business Admin. to Electrical Engineering, as crazy as that sounds. ........ My GPA at Buffalo State is 1.64, I completed 46 hours out of 64 attempted. Most of these credits were gen. ed classes, because at the time I knew I wanted to change my major but wasn't sure what I wanted to do.</p>
<p>I've always been very smart, and had decent grades in high school. My counselors always recommended Electrical Engineering or Accounting, since I was so good in math (& science). I'm pretty sure now that I want to be an Electrical Engineer, but I screwed my academic records up so much, I don't know if it's even possible now.</p>
<p>I left Buffalo State college on a medical leave of absence, and had my 2nd to last semester grade's withdrawn. My college adviser recommended I go to CC to try to get my GPA up. I should be able to re-take the classes I have C's D's and E's in - because my state college, my local CC, and the university are all SUNY school's and credits should transfer. I tried to return a year after I left, but my anxiety was so bad that I withdrew before the first 2 weeks.</p>
<p>I'm 24 now and want to get my life on track and start a career, but I've sabotaged myself so badly in the past few years, that I'm not sure if I'll even have a chance. I don't have much job experience either but ahve saved up enough $$ that I'm thinking of paying off my $11k student loan debt in full. I have so much potential and I feel I've really messed up my chances of having a succesfull and happy life.</p>
<p>I'm going to schedule an appointment with an advisor at my local CC sometime this week.Thanks for any advice, in advance!</p>
Good for you. That was going to be my recommendation. Talk to the GC about how/if you can replace grades. Good luck</p>
<p>It is never too late to go to college or to get your life on track. I’m glad you are going to schedule an appointment with an advisor at your local CC, because that is what I would have suggest also to raise your GPA. I wish you the best of luck!
<p>Thanks for the advice and encouragement guys.</p>
<p>Realistically speaking though… </p>
<p>Do you guys think I have a chance at getting a job as an Electrical Engineer, or even getting into a good University that would accredit me to become an Engineer (ABET accredited, with my B.S. in EE Degree)?
… already having completed 46 credit hours (out of 64 attempted), with a horrible GPA like 1.6?</p>
<p>When I was going to my State college, it had an Electrical Engineering Technology program that I always thought I might switch my major to. But after looking more into it a few months ago, I found that if I was to go back to my old college and transfer to that program, it would get me a job as a Technician for an Electrical Engineer, with a lower salary.
… I was ignorant before and didn’t know there was a difference between majors, I would have ended up working for an EE. Now I know that If I want to be an Engineer myself, I have to somehow get into a good school that has an accredited program for a B.S. in Engineering. Electrical Engineers need a B.S. degree accredited by ABET, and I also need to up my GPA a LOT to try to even get a job. </p>
<p>I just don’t know if this is possible with my current GPA, credit hours completed, the school I attended (I should have just started off at community), and my gap in employment/academic history, not to mention my student loans from before that I haven’t even started paying off…
I guess an advisor would know the best answer?</p>
<p>No one can tell you because at this time it is uncertain if you can get through the coursework. That’s up to you. But go talk to an advisor. Likely you will need to do some grade replacement to fix your record, and pay for that yourself. Once you are in default on your student loans that is a big problem so make sure you are on top of what you need to do to be in good standing. You need to take one step at a time and focus on showing you can do better work and complete a semester.</p>
<p>of course you can…geez louise, you’re 24…when you’re my age (1 million years old), you’ll realize how young you are. But more importantly, you’ll look back at all of your buddies from that age…and see the ones that shined early (in their teens) and shined later (in their 30s & 40s)…you begin to realize the journey…not the milestones.</p>
<p>On a more practical note, begin loading up on internships/coops/free volunteering for startups…anything that shows good experience…that will cover the college timeline…</p>