Should I give up on Madison?

<p>hi. im either going to u of i or wisconsin. I already got accepted to u of i but i got POSTPONED from wisconsin.</p>

<p>here's the thing though, my first semester grades are terrible.</p>

<p>i got 2 Bs in accel courses, 1 A in an AP course, and 2 C+'s in AP Courses.</p>

<p>I got a weighted GPA of 3.6 this semester, which is like my cumulative GPA of 3.63/3.64</p>

<p>Wisconsin has an option of entering mid-year grades. is that a required thing? because i certainly don't want to submit i got 2 C's. </p>

<p>should i just give up on wisconsin and accept my offer to u of i?</p>

<p>You don’t have to decide until May 1. I suggest you wait to see what UWM decides before committing to U of I.</p>

<p>xray is right you definitley don’t need to commit to a school until may 1st. Your 1st semester grades may hurt your chances for UW but you it won’t hurt to just wait for a final decision. Since UW and UIUC are almost identical in rankings, even if you don’t get into UW UIUC is still a good option.</p>

<p>true, but i would like to make a decision asap so I can get proper housing.</p>

<p>also, is it a mandatory requirement to input your mid-year grades? or can I leave it blank?</p>

<p>I would guess that if it was mandatory, you would have been notified. For my friends that were deferred, some updated their grades, some did not. None of them received anything from Wisc. telling them to do it. In fact, it was kind of a surprise to see it listed in the Student Center tab for both accepted and deferred applicants. It could be that they are waiting until the end of the month when all schools have posted first semester grades, but there’s been no mention of it in documents received from the University.</p>

<p>Housing at UW is done by a lottery in May to see who gets their first choice, etc. It won’t matter when you are accepted. For the other U do what you need to for housing and hopefully they also have a deposit return policy if you notify them you are not coming .</p>