To send my mid-year grades in to Madison or not.

<p>I have a feeling that I have a good shot of getting into the school without my grades from 1st semester....</p>

<p>I have a 3.55 UW GPA and 33 on the ACT (11 writing), 2 good recs, 2 essays, theater/music/NHS/work experience etc...</p>

<p>but my 1st semester grades boosted my GPA up to a 3.70 (got a 4.0 this semester) and I had way harder classes than ever before this semester. I also have a huge upward trend from freshman year.</p>

<p>Is it worth it to send them in now and delay the processing of my application (it has been on 'being reviewed' for almost 5 weeks) or should I just wait to see if I get postponed first?</p>

<p>Improvement of those mediocre grades (compared to others going to UW) may make the difference, it won't hurt, may help and is not a difficult thing to do. It may help to call admissions and tell them you have great semester grades that may change their decision- ask them what to do.</p>