<p>I know that there is already a lot of information on Boston University throughout the Internet and such, but it would really be helpful to me to get the opinion/review of someone who attends Boston University.
I am the kind of person who worries about a number of things, so here they are:
1. Weather. Will it be completely unbearable for an Asian who has always lived in a hot climate?
2. Food. Is it really as good as they make it sound in the videos on the BU site?
3. Academics. I am intending to major in English with a minor in education. Are the teachers in these departments fully equipped to teach? Are they caring/friendly to students as well?
4. Social Scene. I'm not much of a drinker, but is Boston University truly known for being a party school?
5. Dorm Life. I hear West and Warren are the best place for freshmen, but I find Towers attractive as well (since it highlights the single-sex floor). What do you think is the best place to be?
6. Boys. Are most of them truly gay? I am bit concerned about this, being a girl.
7. Clubs/Activities. There must be numerous available. How would you rate the drama club? Are there religious groups available around campus as well (specifically Christian groups)?</p>
<p>Any other information would be lovely! Thank you so much and good luck to all of you!</p>
<p>I honestly think that 1 of your 7 questions should be a legitimate concern. That concern would be the weather. If you were accepted at another academically comparable university in a warmer climate I would suggest you go to that one if you don’t like the cold. That said, it’s Boston, not Maine, it doesn’t get that cold in Boston.</p>
<p>Other than that your concerns are nonsense.</p>
<p>I wasted 30 seconds reading your post, then writing this.</p>
<p>I just want to know whether or not this is the right place for me. To me, these are legitimate concerns.
It would really be helpful if someone could provide a concrete answer.</p>
<p>post on the BU sub-forum.</p>
<p>Dear Spidergirl;
You’re right, any questions are legit. We just got back from admitted student day and here’s my feedback:
My s is asian from NYC, so weather is about the same, maybe colder. If you can’t stand cold weather, boots &coats, it will be be cold most of the time you’re in school. On April 5, it was 40 -60 degrees, albeit sunny.
Food was so so in Warren Towers. Warren Towers is good for freshmen cause it is HUGE!, so I guess you’ll make lots of friends 1st year. but I found it to be claustophobic and crowded. Think big apartment complex.
Social scene is what you make of it. Boston is a great beautiful city with lots of culture and restaurants, but you need $ to enjoy too. Your social scene for drinking would probably at Frat parties, so if that’s not your scene, you don’t have to go.
As far as boys go, I spoke to my friend’s daughter who is soph there and there are alot of gays there, but then I’m sure it’s like that in any big city school. My Son who is not gay, did not sense an over abundance of gayness, if that is your concern.
As far as christian groups/clubs, I’m sure Intervarsity (christian org.) is a presence, as they are at every big school. Plenty of churches and asians in Boston. (we are asian).
Hope this helps, good luck. Visit the school and see for yourself.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for answering my question, jujumak.</p>
<p>“Over abundance of gayness”… What, exactly, is ‘gayness’?