Should I go to BU or GWU? Please help!

<p>Hey knowledgable parents. I'm currently deciding between BU's SMG Management School (15k/year, honors program) and George Washington's School of Business (18k/year, honors program). I've visited both and think I could do well at either. I'm wondering if anyone has input as to which school is better and why. Thanks for any help you can provide!</p>

<p>I would appreciate any input, please!</p>

<p>Have you read through the BU board on the CC Colleges section under B? Look at threads from a couple of weeks ago and you'll see one on GW vs. BU. Both excellent schools, very much alike. Each will claim they have more of a campus, but its really close. Of course, if you want to study anything remotely assocaited with politics you may want to choose GW. We are biased toward BU and think that since 1 out of 4 Boston residents is a college student, the social life and internships are amazing.</p>

<p>All the GWers (huh???) will provide input accordingly as will the BU folks. BU's SAT stats are only slightly higher,. Were you offered Honors Program? D.C. has the weather going for it unless you want to learn to ski or snowboard.</p>

<p>I was offered the honors program at both schools, and very similar scholarships. The reason I'm having a hard time is because they are so similar. I know I could do fine at either, I just don't want to make the wrong choice.</p>

<p>Check the BU board now. It looks like you are getting responses but will get you in touch with many many more current students than cc
Good luck..</p>

<p>Thanks dogs, I will check that out.</p>