<p>A rep is coming to my school tomorrow and I feel like this would be a good chance to introduce myself and let him get to know me better.
However, I already visited the school and a bunch of stuff he's saying will just be review. Is it worth going tomorrow, and will this show added interest or will it just be redundant?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>My kids went to all of these for the schools they intended to apply to. Even those where “interest” is not supposed to be a factor, because we figured if the rep could put a face with the name on the application it would be a good thing. My kid always had a couple of good questions to ask in the sessions, too, to make a good impression.
I personally think it paid off in at least one case to do this. If you intend to apply, I say go and “look interested” even if it is repetition for you.</p>
<p>i don’t think any college would look down upon showing interest</p>
<p>Colleges like people who show demonstrated interest and you might actually learn something new so I would go. I would also go because the rep from the college will most likely be the person who reads your app and they like to put an app and a name to a face. Make sure to fill out some card showing you went so they can put it in their system.</p>