<p>I live in MA so everyone has to take the MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System) test their sophomore year in high school. If you score in the top 25% of the state, then you get a free ride to any college in Massachusetts that's a state university, state college, or community college (if accepted). Well, I found out I'm 1 of 70/1100 students at my school who got this scholarship, which is neat and all, but would Tufts look at this and think "hmm, why would this student want to pay for college when she can get a free education at UMass? She'd be crazy not to go there! REJECT!" or "hmm, it's pretty impressive this student scored in the top 25% on the statewide MCAS exam. And she would even pass up a free education at a respectable institution such as UMass to pay and go to Tufts. ACCEPT!"
I'm not saying that this one thing will either get me rejected or accepted. I'm just asking if it would lean in my favor or not, and I need as much leaning in my favor as I can get. What would you guys do?</p>
<p>to tell you the truth, i don't think it will help or hurt you. i'd hope that they expect their applicants to all be in the top 25%, and seeing that 23% of their students are from Mass, i'm sure that almost all of them were in the same boat as you and still got in. i wouldn't put any chips down as far as that goes.</p>
<p>I agree with AlergicToMorning, it probably won't do much to help you, but if anything, it will definitely not hurt you as it is just another accomplishment or recognition that you have received. Tufts doesn't really care that you're tossing out all that money, that's your problem if you will. But yes, since most MA applicants (or at least acceptees) will probably have the same thing listed, it won't be shockingly incredible. But why not mention it? If it's an award/recognition/whatever it might be classified as, then put it on there. Can't hurt.</p>
<p>As a former MA resident, I'll chime in. Why would you go to Tufts instead of ZooMass Amherst? </p>
<p>Throw it under honours/awards. I don't think that many things there really matter, but it's kind of like honour roll - they probably know that most applicants made it, but no one would then think that you didn't make it.</p>