Should I ... Money

<p>My mom isn't the best with money and budgeting. Should I let her borrow money that I made during the summer and my bank account, in order to pay some bills, and other things, even though I know she won't pay it back, though she says she will?</p>

<p>thats sad if she needs to borrow money from you. But it would be incredibly nice if you gave her some.</p>

<p>See, I think it's the nice thing to do, but I don't know if she'll learn.</p>

<p>Maybe give it to her this time and if she asks you again one day, kinda tell her that ud rather not, but still maybe give it to her. If she asks u a third time, then dont.</p>

<p>dude... of corse you sould give it to her she's your mom man</p>

<p>Well I don't think glucose101 is wondering whether he should or not because of who she is, but more because he doesn't want his mom to get dependent on his income?</p>

<p>Is it for basic bills like your home and utilities, or is she an unreasonable spender?</p>

<p>A little bit of both, most the home and utilities/brother's loans, and an unreasonable spender.</p>

<p>What's sad is you having to even think about that. Yes, you should. Yeah, you might not get the money back, and you earned it, but you don't think you owe her even just this much? Money is money, she's your mom man.</p>

<p>Of course you should give it to her. She's your mom for pete sake. Should be a no brainer.</p>

<p>It should be a no brainer, but I've loaned her 400 dollars once before, and she denied that I gave it to her.</p>

<p>what does she spend all her money on anyway?</p>

<p>bills i guess</p>

<p>she denied that you gave her 400?? that's wrong. I say no. I think parents should have more responsible than their kids. and your mom probably remembers the 400. but she wont pay back? she could've atleast said something like, "ok i'll pay you back in a couple of weeks". Your mom (no offence) just sounds irresponsible.</p>

<p>But in the other case, she provides a house, food, electricity for you..</p>

<p>ok I say you give it to her, but tell her strictly that she's gotta be more responsible and mature this time.</p>

<p>My advice? Dont give it to her. Arent you supposed to be the kid here? Espcially if you are saving it for college. I know its kind of mean, but you earned it. Unless they are going to shut of the electricity because your mom isnt able to pay the bills becasue of a lack of a good job or something, i say its all yours. Take her out to ice cream instead :)</p>

<p>Write out a legal aggreement about it and make her sign it as proof you gave it to her :)</p>

<p>I would confront her. Ask her why she can't pay her own bills. Ask her about the $400 you already lent her. If she denies you lent it to her, don't lend her anymore money. She obviously has some sort of money management problem if she has to borrow money from her son to pay bills and then lies about the borrow money.</p>

<p>Another thing you could do is ask if you and her could do the family accounting together. That way you can see where your hard-earned dollars are going to. Are you lending her money to pay the electricity bill or for her to buy a fancy dress?</p>

<p>okay... YOU are the child in the family... YOU arent the parent in the family in which, should be in charge of all fianancial obligations. She shouls have a decent job and be able to support a family. DONT lend it to her, even though you might want to, and she seems happy.. she will learn that her son will support her no matter what! This would be incovienent for you... she would come to you everytime she needed money.</p>

<p>I agree with GyroidFanatic, write it down somewhere or something, as proof that she owes you that money.</p>

<p>Chances are that she is not going to honor the "legal" document. It's not like he is going to sue his mom if she doesn't pay him back, so she would have nothing to worry about. I say don't give her the money, because she will come to you for money even when she doesn't truly need the money, because she will know that you are going to give to her anyways.</p>

<p>It's your mom man! she's been taking care of you since you were a baby. add all the money she's spent on you and i doubt its less than $400. just lend it to her.</p>

<p>and if you are worried she wont pay it back or is using her money carelessly, then tell her straight up. but you should still give her the money. </p>

<p>my parents have asked me for money a bunch of time if they didn't have cash at the moment. like if the pizza dude came or they needed cash to go out to a party or something. they always said they'd pay me back but i didnt care if they did. they're my parents. sometimes they'd remember, sometimes they'd forget, and frankly so would I. but how many times have they bought me food, clothes, cd's, etc? a lot. even when i had a job.</p>