should I pursue a career in nursing or physical therapy?

<p>Hey guys, I'm a senior in high school and I am completely indecisive if I should pursue a career in nursing or physical therapy?? Can you guys help, like weigh out the pros and cons, especially in today's economy? and what Are the chances of getting in nursing school? I live in California, am planning to go to school instate. </p>

<p>Do you really want to turn to strangers on the Internet to help you pick a major (bio or kinesiology vs. nursing). Some things to think about might be the length of time you’re in school. Physical therapy will require a graduate degree. Look not only at the competitiveness of admission but also the job outlook. The nursing shortage is a media myth. In CA especially, you’re not going to walk right into a job after graduation. How readily can you get a job as a PT? Do really understand what each of these professionals do? Can you talk to some and find out? </p>

<p>Right now, apply to both to keep your options open. Many nursing programs fill up with early applicants. Then try to find a program where you can spend time with a physical therapist to see what they do. Your high school may have some connections or ideas. There has been much discussion in the recent past about the pros and cons of physical therapy as a career, which you can find on a search of this website. The conclusion of some people was that it was not worth the time and expense of the graduate education for the return, in the current market. You might also investigate physical therapy assistant programs. </p>

<p>If you decide to go the physical therapy route, investigate ways to finish your education as quickly and cheaply as possible. I thought I heard that some colleges offer joint 5 year bachelors/masters for PT.</p>