Should I put this down as an EC?

Hi guys,
I was just wondering if I should put down my involvement as a contributor (writer) for a conservative website - I contribute a decent amount and it goes along handily with my involvement as the news editor of my HS paper/my passion for writing. Although I am right wing I have an open mind and don’t mind being surrounded by people with different opinions, so I am going to be applying to many schools that are categorized as liberal to very liberal :slight_smile: However, I’d rather not put this down as an EC if it is going to cause issues with admissions officers, etc.
Thank you!

Hm, that’s an interesting point. In my personal opinion, it would be wrong for them to deny you admission to the school for that reason, but that doesn’t guarantee it won’t happen. Is there any way you can write about it while hiding (or at least minimizing) the fact that it’s a conservative blog?

You are victim of a myth perpetrated by a small group of vocal and prolific but not thoughtful writers. Yes it is true that there are more liberals and probably democrats in academics. But that isn’t because there is a conspiracy against conservatives and/or republicans.

The traits that characterize academics are closer to those endorsed by the left than the right and closer to democrats than republicans. Who decides against a higher paying job with more potential to work oneself up in the corporate ladder in order to conduct research and instruct young people? Does that make good business sense? Is that more likely to be a person who self identifies as blue or red? Who is more likely to think society would benefit from a brilliant person entering the corporate world and making decisions that are profitable and helpful to society? Does it make sense to go into a low impact position (academics) and miss the opportunity to improve how business impacts on society? So about the person choosing the corporate environment, is that more likely to be someone who self endorses as red or blue?

So while there are more democrats in academics it is because the nature of the enterprise is more appealing to them. Likewise, CEOs are more likely to be republicans. Does that mean companies are biased against democrats?

Colleges look for people who are able to engage in scholarly discussion and debates. If you have made meaningful contributions to a conservative website, by all means document that in your application. It would certainly be viewed as a positive EC. Even better would be if you have published any opinion pieces in peer reviewed venues-regardless of what position you took.

If you are turned down by any school because of your conservative leanings (which I highly highly doubt) then you probably don’t want to attend that school anyway. Put it in. Not only is it a fine EC, but it is a part of who you are as a person.

Yes, you can put this down. It should not make much of a difference.

I think you should include it- it clearly takes up a good amount of time and has contributed to your personal growth. A good college that is worth their salt wouldn’t deny you admission based on this. The only thing I could think of is if they read articles you wrote and, for some reason, what you wrote bothered them and made them question your judgement as a person- I can’t say that would happen, because I don’t know what you are writing about, but think of it as a possibility.