Should I put this on my app?

<p>So let's say I'm an administrator of a pokemon website that has ~2000 members. I don't spend too much time on it, but I do go on weekly to see how things are doing. Should I put this on my app or would it seem too childish. I'm also the president of the pokemon club, but I don't do much; should I put that on as well?</p>



<p>I wouldn’t put the website on a college app.
But the Pokemon Club is just as legitimate as a Vegetarian Club or a French Club or any other school club. It’s quirky and fun, and most colleges will appreciate that.</p>

<p>I think the opposite. You should word it so that you can say website admin for website with 2000+ members…then it sounds amazing. And you can choose at ur own disgression about the club. say u founded card games club or bridge club or something. make everything sound prestigious.</p>

<p>Sure you can put those on your app, but first you should ask yourself if that website admin thing is really an accomplishment/ if it required some skills that college people would appreciate. </p>

<p>Just wondering, do you also play World of Warcraft? Do you have play dates with your best friends? Do you spend your allowance on YuGiOh cards?</p>

<p>Being president of a club and managing a website are significant activities. The Common App only has room for your top activities and also a place where you state how much time you spend on them and what you do. I assume that the club members also access the website- so can it be an activity related to the club? If so, you can combine the club and the website as related activities into one listing and factor that time into the total time. You don’t need a list of Pokemon related activities- one entry is enough.</p>

<p>Something like: President of Pokemon Club: organize school meetings and activities, manage website of 2,000 members/ X hours a week.</p>

<p>The point of an application is to show the college who you are, and obviously this is an interest of yours. I wouldn’t put down something like collecting Pokemon cards or playing video games as EC’s but leading a club and managing a website shows leadership and incentive. </p>

<p>The Common App also asks you to list activities in order of their priority. Put this one where you think it belongs, and, if you have room for it after listing your most important activties.</p>

<p>That sarcasm BurnOut xd</p>

<p>So I should put this towards the bottom of my EC list?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t put it unless you were a founder of the website</p>

<p>I’d mention the website in interviews when asked about the Pokemon club but not put it on your app.
I think that it’s something unique and kind of cutesy. It could work to your advantage if you’re a super serious student.</p>

<p>What’s your favorite Pok</p>

<p>I have a similar question, actually. Say I ran a Facebook page that had about 2.7k in likes, could I somehow put that on my app?</p>

<p>Hmmm I’m going to agree with bmonticello23 and Pennylane2011 here and say that you should go ahead and put those on your app. They’re unique :P</p>

<p>Gen 1: Kabutops
Gen 2: Scizor
Gen 3: Latios
Gen 4: Gliscor
Gen 5: Thundurus - T</p>

<p>What do you mean by super serious student?</p>

<p>You should, don’t shy away from your identity if you think colleges won’t like it. They will be happy that you are pursuing an interest.</p>

<p>Kongo- I don’t know what your other actiities are. The instructions are to list them in order of their importance to you. You mentioned that you didn’t spend a lot of time on these activities, so it would be a bit inconsistent to make them a priority if you had others that were more important to you and you spent more time on them. I don’t recall how many spaces you get on the Common App. I think it’s about 5. Put them in order of their importance to you, and the comitment you have to them time wise. See where this one ends up. Obviously if it is number 10, you would not have room for it, but if it is number 3, that is where it goes.</p>

<p>Common App has 10 I believe. Here are my other ECs in no particular order if it makes a difference</p>

<p>Research @ UT Austin
Varsity XC
Varsity Soccer
Varsity Track
TEDx Organizer
Math Center Founder
Science Club Captain
Volunteer Work
Musical Tech and Actor</p>

<p>The reason for the common app instructions about putting them in order of importance to you is that it gives the colleges a chance to know you better- to see what you think is important. There isn’t a right or wrong answer to what order. One thing to consider is how much time you spend on the activity. It wouldn’t make sense to spend a lot of time doing something that isn’t important to you. You did mention that you don’t spend a lot of time on the club and website. Varsity sports require more time, and it seems that most of your other EC’s would be more time consuming. I think it would be more logical to put the club at the bottom part of the list, but exactly where is up to you.</p>