<p>i'm applying to four (maybe five) schools for MS/PhD in electrical engineering...MIT, CMU, RPI (where i did undergrad in EE with a 3.2 GPA), Purdue, and maybe UMass Amherst...</p>
<p>i didn't really prepare at all, yet i had pretty bad test-anxiety during the exam...especially during the math...i wanted the 800 really badly bc i'm really good at math and got an 800 on the SAT math back in HS...but i was being too careful and ended up not having enough time to finish the last question and i guessed it incorrectly...also i solve AIME / occasional USAMO type of problems for fun in my spare time and found myself treating GRE math questions like AIME questions...</p>
<p>so yeah...should i retake to raise my verbal score for the aforementioned schools??...also is it pretty stupid to feel bummed out about the 770??</p>
<p>also why was there two verbal sections, and only one math section?? (not that i'm complaining...the math to me is like a tight rope walk where i'm under constant pressure to not **** up)...</p>