I took the SAT earlier this school year and didn’t do as I hoped. Is it a bad idea to retake it in August instead so that I have more time, or would this end up conflicting w/ other application things? i.e. essays, etc. I want to get a head start on some things so I suppose it would… but while also preparing for APs and SAT IIs as well as normal coursework I don’t know if I could manage the SAT on top of these in June. I’d have to do some serious time crunching if I did take it then.
Any thoughts? I’m not planning on taking the SAT more than one more time.
Sure, take it in August. You have a couple of months of stress-free time in which to study. Go for it. Far better than in the school year with homework and ECs.
You mention SAT IIs. You’ll probably want to Schedule those for June, then the regular SAT in August.
Any interest in the ACT?