Should I shoot higher than Mizzou?

<p>I'm a prospective OOS transfer to the University of Missouri-Columbia J-School, but, as I'm sure you know, the acceptance rate is super high. I'm a good student (4.2 weighted), with nice extra-curricular activities (although they aren't Ivy League status) and great rec's from the president of my community college's journalism program and a family-friend who is one of the top execs at Telemundo.</p>

<p>Anyways, I just don't know if there is a better J-school for me? Or if despite the high acceptance rate, Mizzou is really the best journalism school (for broadcast specifically) for me? I've been looking at the stats of applicants to UNC & Northwestern and they're crazy - not sure if I measure up...</p>

<p>So, should I be shooting for Mizzou? Or higher?</p>

<p>A great journalist always aims for the best. In life, in their shows, documentaries, broadcasts, newspaper, even in their day to day speech.</p>

<p>Aim high :)</p>

<p>Mizzou journalism school has a high acceptance but is considered one of the premier journalism programs in the country (consistently in top 3) and one gets a very hands on education which translates well into jobs. The Mizzou alum network aka Mizzou mafia are very well known in the journalism world and this to is a great plus. Do not confuse selectivity with the quality of education</p>

<p>adamom hit the nail on the head. If I were you, I’d just be relieved that such a good program is easy to transfer into! I’m also a bit confused. There are, like, 2 journalism schools better than Mizzou. As long as it’s affordable, I’d say go for it.</p>

<p>OP, also…define “better” – what do you mean by “better than Mizzou?” As with other majors, sometimes better means better opportunities for internships while still attending school, in a region where you would like to live/work. For example, USC’s Annenberg School of Journalism is perfect for students who would love to be living/working in southern CA after graduation, and they have a chance to intern IN Los Angeles while attending school at USC. Same thing with Chapman’s Dodge School/Journalism in OC. Something to consider.</p>