Should I stop taking the ACT?

Hi everyone,
I have taken the ACT 4 times already. My best is a 31 composite (33 English, 34 Math, 31 Reading, 27 Science). Each time I had taken it, my composite score has risen. However, my 4th try, I got a 29. I knew this test had went badly :frowning: Should I bother taking the ACT again? I have a 3.8 unweighted GPA and a 4.3 weighted GPA. I am taking several honors/AP courses and am heavily involved at school. I attend one of the top public schools in my state.

Schools I am looking at: Northwestern and WASHU (huge reaches I know…), Grinnell College, Haverford College, Colgate College, Wesleyan College
A lot of small liberal arts schools as you can see and of course I will apply to my state’s public university.
What do you think? Should I stop with my ACT tests? If I were to take it again, that would for sure be my last time.

Have you been doing anything different between tests? Taking practice tests, using study guides or classes? If you just keep testing in hopes that familiarization will improve your score, then maybe that has approach has peaked and it’s time to move to a new strategy.