Hi everyone,
I have taken the ACT 4 times already. My best is a 31 composite (33 English, 34 Math, 31 Reading, 27 Science). Each time I had taken it, my composite score has risen. However, my 4th try, I got a 29. I knew this test had went badly Should I bother taking the ACT again? I have a 3.8 unweighted GPA and a 4.3 weighted GPA. I am taking several honors/AP courses and am heavily involved at school. I attend one of the top public schools in my state.
Schools I am looking at: Northwestern and WASHU (huge reaches I know…), Grinnell College, Haverford College, Colgate College, Wesleyan College
A lot of small liberal arts schools as you can see and of course I will apply to my state’s public university.
What do you think? Should I stop with my ACT tests? If I were to take it again, that would for sure be my last time.