<p>I'm taking like six other AP Tests so don't want to study for spanish unless its necessary. I want a 5 on the test and I'm a native speaker. Input from anyone--especially native speakers who got a 5--will be greatly appreciated. </p>
<p>No death threats from non-native speakers please :)</p>
<p>The native speakers in my spanish class have a more difficult time with grammar and spelling. I'm sure you are amazing at speaking, listening, and reading, but maybe review some key grammar and spelling! </p>
<p>Good luck with the test.</p>
<p>dude you're a native speaker. chill and keep it real bro, best of luck on the test!!</p>
<p>Thanks for wishing me good luck guys. I was seriously expecting a barrage of criticism.</p>
<p>As long as you can write a coherent essay, I don't see a problem. You're native!</p>
<p>Buenas suerte.</p>