Hey! I’m going to be applying to a few very selective universities (Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Columbia, WashU in St. Louis, Johns Hopkins, Tufts, Fordham) and I was wondering (along with my SAT Subject Tests) whether I should submit my SAT or ACT scores.
My ACT looks like this:
Composite: 35
My SAT looks like this:
Composite: 1550
So obviously my ACT was slightly better, but will it hurt to just submit that test along with my Subject Tests? Should I submit both SAT and ACT, or will my lower SAT score make my application look “worse”? I know I’m splitting hairs here, my scores are good, I just would like to save some money if I can by not having to send my SAT to every school if I can just send the other ones.
Please let me know what you think, thanks!
At an information session earlier this year, Wash U stated that they only want the best test - whether that be SAT or ACT. Stanford, on the other hand (which is not on your list), requires all ACT and SAT I scores, so clearly Stanford likes to see the comprehensive testing history. You will need to research the specific testing requirements for each school on your list.
If you are going to send SAT subject test scores, I think you can go ahead and send all SAT scores (including SAT I test scores) for the same $12 fee. For score choice schools, you can pick and choose which scores to send. In no way will your SAT score make your application look “worse” - both of your section scores are above 750 and are extremely strong and balanced.
For schools that don’t specify the full testing history, I think it would be fine to send just ACT score, and I think it would be fine to send both SAT and ACT. All of your scores are exceptional.
Thank you for your response! If it costs nothing extra, then I might as well send along my SAT scores with my Subject Tests for the schools that are open to it. I don’t think I’ll send both to WashU based on what you said.
If your subject test scores are strong, it is a good idea to submit them, even if they are optional or not required. As stated on Wash U’s website: “Washington University does not require SAT Subject Tests (formerly SAT II: College Board Achievement Tests). However, if you do take them and submit your scores, we will only consider them if they strengthen your application”.
Also, even though the Wash U admission officer was pretty emphatic about only submitting the strongest test (ACT or SAT), the website says “If you take both, we will consider whichever set of scores is most advantageous to you”.
Research what every school on your list says about testing. It is helpful to create a simple spreadsheet for testing requirements for each school, so that nothing is a surprise when it comes time to submit. It is also good to submit test scores with plenty of time to spare if you are already done testing. When my daughter applied to college in the fall of 2015, college board had all sorts of technical difficulties during the month of October and people were in a panic about scores taking weeks and weeks to be delivered.
@Faulkner1897 I’ll definitely keep that in mind. I’m taking my Subject Tests this month, so I’ll submit those along with my SAT as soon as I receive them. As for ACT, I might just send them now so they are on file, even though I haven’t submitted my application yet (basically just started). I will allow for plenty of time like you suggested; technology is amazing but there is ALWAYS the chance for difficulties. Thank you for your help. You cleared many things up for me and I will take your advice.
My son submitted ACTs and subject tests to Harvard. Never took SATs. Got in.
My son submitted ACTs and subject tests to Harvard. Never took SATs. Got in.