should I submit this

<p>I want to get into Engineering school and I think one of the best things I've done about engineering is that I invented some thing pretty good. It was knid of a big project invovled me and some local mechanics and also took a long time. During the process I've taken some pics and made a brochure about the whole process.</p>

<p>Should I mail the brochure to the college or they receive this kind of stuff all the time and they'll think it's annoying and showing off cause the colleges are always claiming that they don't want too many extra stuff about the applicants.</p>

<p>Yes, most colleges will accept supplementary materials. In fact the supplements/main applications usually ask you whether you are planning to send supplementary stuff along with the usual.</p>

<p>And I was wondering should we send in the certificates of our prizes in a pdf version ?</p>

<p>@YM1992: They don’t ask for proof for prizes, no.</p>